World-leading research
The Courtauld’s research has been assessed as “world-leading” in a national exercise to determine the quality of research in UK universities. The most prestigious specialist university for the study of the history of art in the world, The Courtauld performed at the highest level in the 2021 Research Excellence Framework (REF). The REF measures the quality and impact of research submitted by UK universities across all disciplines.
Across all UK institutions, The Courtauld is tied 1st for research environment, a remarkable accomplishment, and critical given that this supports and enables our world-leading research. The Courtauld is tied 12th in the UK for 4* research overall, and 6th for 4* outputs.
89% of The Courtauld’s research was deemed world-leading or internationally excellent in terms of originality, significance and rigour. The research environment was found to be of path-leading quality, with 100% assessed as 4*, i.e., the maximum possible score.
The Courtauld’s leadership of its subject is demonstrated in a submission of 37 researchers to the exercise. This included 26 members of History of Art faculty, five members of Conservation faculty, four senior curators, and two early career researchers (ECRs). Our lead curators were submitted alongside academic colleagues for the first time, offering a richer picture of The Courtauld’s research culture and strengths.
The Courtauld’s Final REF 2021 Code of Practice and Equality Impact Assessment can be accessed here.