Search results for renoir

A self-portrait of Van Gogh wearing a green coat, a blue hat with a black trim, and a bandaged left ear. A Japanese print and an easel can be seen behind him.


Discover the remarkable paintings in The Courtauld's collection, which range from the Middle Ages to the 20th century....

painting of a woman bartender looking straight ahead

Collection, The Courtauld Gallery, What's On Highlights

Visit the permanent collection

Open Daily, 10:00 - 18:00

You can now book your visit to see our much-loved collection of masterpieces ranging from the Middle Ages to the 20th century....

Public Programmes, Short Courses

Fantasies Reframed: Orientalism and its Contexts

Monday 1 – Friday 5 July 2024 | £645

This course is designed to explore Orientalism in its artistic, political and historical contexts and to provide participants with a framework through which to approach and interpret these works. ...

Adam and Eve are depicted at the fateful moment when they disobey God and commit the first sin.

Adam and Eve

Lucas Cranach the Elder

Cranach and his workshop made over 50 versions of this subject. This painting is one of the largest and most beautiful....
