Since July 2018 The Courtauld Gallery has been closed for a major capital building project, known as Courtauld Connects. During this period our Learning Department turned its attention to the theme of architecture. We began by looking close to home at our residence at Somerset House and the hidden wonders of the Conway Library Archive, before looking further afield to explore the buildings, communities and spaces more closely connected to the schools and young people we work with.
The objective of this learning resource is to disseminate to teachers and young people, the steps and processes we have used in each of the projects we ran so that you too can go on this exploratory journey. The resource has been set out in 11 sections and it is possible to pick and choose one or more sections or go through them all systematically:
Using Archives
Architectural Walking Tour
Exploratory Tour using Photography
Drawing to See More
Drawing Beyond the Confines of Perspective
Architecture and Collage
Architecture and Creative Writing
Building for the Future
Community Campaigns
Layering Ideas with Monoprint
Curating your own Exhibition
Download the Secondary Architecture Resource
Conway Library Images by theme:
Buildings and Housing
Railway stations
Somerset House
The Festival of Britain
War Damage
Please share your feedback and thoughts on our Architectural Learning Resource by emailing us at