Reworking Manet | Documentation

Reinterpreting A Bar at the Folies-Bergere | For young people aged 14-18

Clear and professional documentation is a vital skill when submitting artwork, whether that be for coursework, competitions or Re-working Manet.

Please consider the following before submitting your response.


  • Think about the background to your artwork. Can you see anything which isn’t part of your artwork in the background?
  • Think about putting a white backdrop to your work, or tightly crop your image.

Taking images of your artwork:

  • We wish to see the detail of your artwork, take high quality
  • Make sure your image is well lit.
  • Try not to create any shadows across the artwork
  • Are the colours captured a true representation of your work?

Accompanying words:

  • Does your artwork have a title?
  • Is there any accompanying text panel with your work? Think about how this may change the engagement or understanding of your submission.

Is there an aspect of the artwork that you can’t tell from your submission. Ie is there a moving part, or a way in which the audience is meant to interact with the artwork?
