Opening hours and access
The Courtauld Library collections are based at Vernon Square Library and are open to Courtauld students and staff. External visitors are welcome but must book their visit in advance.
Vernon Square, Penton Rise, King’s Cross
London WC1X 9EW
Call us (020)39477 627
Library Opening Hours
Semester Hours
Please check the Courtauld Academic Calendar for the semester dates.
Monday–Friday: 09:30 – 21:15 (Library Desk services finish at 18:50)
Saturday-Sunday: 10:15 – 21:15 Reference-only (No Library Desk services)
Vacation Hours
Saturday, 29th March to Monday, 21st April (inclusive)
Monday-Friday: 09:30 – 21:15 (Library Desk services finish at 18:50)
Saturday-Sunday: closed
The Library will be open for reference-only access from Wednesday, 16th April, to Monday, 21st April (inclusive), with opening hours from 10:15 to 17:15. Please note that Library Desk services and borrowing will not be available.
The Library will resume its usual opening hours on Tuesday, 22nd April.
Disabled Access
Entrance to the library is via the Vernon Square ground floor corridor. Wheelchair access is available to each room of the library except for the current journals area.
While the library is accessible, we will retrieve books from shelves that people find inaccessible for whatever reason – such as vertigo, or physical disability. Please do not hesitate to tell the library staff where you would require adjustments to exploit the full benefit of the collection. The staff are committed to offering an equal service to visitors.
The Institute’s Support for Neurodiverse Students webpage has details of further support available.