WiFi, Printing & Scanning
The Eduroam WiFi network is available to all staff and students at The Courtauld and can be accessed by logging on with your Courtauld User ID and Courtauld password.
The Courtauld Visitor Wi-Fi network is for external visitors to The Courtauld who do not have a reciprocal eduroam access.
Instructions on setting up your connection is on the IT’s WiFi webpages.
The Library and IT Helpdesk can be reached via ITSD@courtauld.ac.uk
Printing and scanning
Staff and students have access to multi-functional devices (MFDs) throughout Vernon Square and Somerset House, which can be used to print, scan or copy documents.
The Courtauld IT pages have information on printing and scanning, where you can find information on how to top-up your account and print from a personal computer. Brief instructions are also included below.
Visitors can access a card for photocopying, however printing of documents is not possible as it requires an institutional IT account. For help with photocopying please ask a member of staff or contact us at library@courtauld.ac.uk.
How to Print
You must have credit on your account to print. If you do not, your documents may not appear.
- To top-up, go to the budget recharge website and log-in with your Courtauld User ID and password
- If you are using your own laptop, upload your document via the secure print website
- If you are using a Courtauld desktop computer, choose BW Queue on aws-16-pr-01 for black and white printing, or Colour Queue on aws-16-pr-01 for colour
- Locate a printer (locations are displayed at the bottom of this page)
- Swipe your Courtauld ID card through the card reader on the right-hand side of the MFD (black stripe up and close to the MFD)
- A screen with options to Copy, Scan to Email or Secure Print will appear
- Select ‘Secure Print’ and release your job
Please note you may need to register your card if printing for the first time.
To do this, enter your Courtauld User ID and password on the MFD (if you need help doing this please ask a member of staff).
Print Prices
The cost of printing for Courtauld students is:
- 5p per page in black and white
- 20p per page in colour
- 20p per page in black and white
- 40p per page in colour
Please note the balance on your account will remain on your card for the duration of your course.
If you have credit when you leave you are able to request a refund through the Finance Department.
Where can I print?
The MFDs can be found at:
Vernon Square:
- in the library (ground floor)
- on the first floor, behind the Lecture Theatre
- on the third floor, opposite the Public Programmes office, on the way to the common room