students in the library

Reading Lists for Students

Courtauld Library staff provide access to essential/required readings for each course on the Courtauld VLE. Students will be able to access their core readings via:

  • Links to Courtauld Library e-books and e-journal articles
  • Links to Senate House Library e-books or e-journal articles. Students need to make sure they set up their Senate House Library membership (see FAQs) at the start of their course as most modules make use of SH online resources
  • Links to scans from physical books within the Courtauld Library
  • The Reading List Reference section of the Courtauld Library: where no e-book or e-journal exists, and scanning is not possible because of copyright restrictions, we will add books to this collection, which is for in-house use only. Any book which can only be accessed physically within the library will be clearly marked on your VLE course reading list.

Further or recommended readings will not be supplied by the library, as students will be expected to develop their research skills and find resources independently.


How can I tell if a book is a Reading List Reference book?

RLREF books have red dots on their spines and red bookmarks inside.

When searching the library catalogue, these books will also be clearly marked as being in the Reading List Reference section with the corresponding course details.

Where is the Reading List Reference collection?

Turn left as you come into the library and then left again, up and down the small flights of stairs. The RLREF section will be in front of you and the books will be clearly marked. Or just ask at the Helpdesk as you come in!

How do I get a Senate House Library membership?

Courtauld staff and students can become members of Senate House Library and access both their physical and e-resources. Some course required readings will only be available via Senate House, so membership is essential. For information on the library and how to register as a member, see the Senate House section of the Courtauld website.

One of the links to a required reading on my course list isn’t working. What can I do?

Get in touch with us at with the name of the course and the reading details.
