Courtauld library bookshelf

Reading Lists for Staff

Library staff will work with academic tutors to supply essential/required readings for your courses.

For this to happen reading lists need to be updated on the VLE.  The deadlines for this are shown below.

Autumn Semester  31st July 2024 
Spring Semester  27th November 2024 


The Reading Lists team will then check your essential/required readings, and:

  • Try to purchase anything that the library doesn’t yet own or subscribe to, that is needed as course reading, prioritizing digital material where possible.
  • Link to e-books or e-journals available via the Courtauld Library catalogue or Senate House Library catalogue.
  • Provide high-quality accessible scans that are copyright compliant.
  • Put books/journals that cannot be scanned because of copyright restrictions in the Reading List Reference section of the library.

Advice for academic staff for creating course reading lists

To help make sure that your course required readings are ready in good time:

  • Finalise your readings on the VLE by the deadline given.
  • Clearly distinguish between required readings and further readings so library staff can focus on the right ones. Students will be expected to develop their research skills, which is why further readings are not supplied for courses.
  • Make sure to add full and accurate references to your course readings on the VLE.
  • Please do not upload .pdfs to the VLE. If readings are available via the Courtauld Library catalogue as e-journals or e-books, add the catalogue permalink next to the required reading reference (see FAQs below).  If scans of physical resources are needed then the library needs to check for copyright compliance before adding scans to the VLE.
  • Be aware that the library can scan material from physical books and journals but this must be:

o Material that the Courtauld Library has in its collection

o 1 chapter / 10% of a book (whichever is greater)

o 1 journal article / 10% of a journal issue (whichever is greater)

o Covered for scanning by the CLA HE Licence.

  • Note that even if the library owns a book, there are cases in which it will not be covered by the CLA Licence and therefore we cannot provide a scan on the VLE. In these cases the book will usually go in the Reading List Reference section. Most book/journal titles can be searched via the CLA Check Permissions tool.

Please email once you have updated your readings.



My course/module has not yet been uploaded to the VLE so I cannot update my readings. What can I do?

You can send your required readings to the Library via The Library team will work from this document and prepare links and scans for you, and order in any books which we don’t have. Once you are able to upload course content and readings to the VLE, let us know, and we will transfer all the links over to the VLE.

I’ve missed the deadline for updating my course reading list. What can I do?

Get in touch with us asap. We ask tutors to submit their reading lists by specific dates so that we can have the readings ready for them before the start of each new term. If readings are submitted after this date, then we can’t guarantee it, but we will however work as quickly as we can to get the material up.

There’s a chapter/article I need to add as essential reading. What can I do?

Get in touch with us asap. We accept requests for scanning or purchasing throughout the year and we will always try and supply the material as quickly as we can.

How do I add links from the library catalogue to the VLE?

Where access to e-books or e-journals is available via the Courtauld Library catalogue, tutors should give the catalogue permalink on the VLE next to the relevant required reading.

To do this:

· Search the Courtauld Library catalogue

· Once you have identified that access is available to the e-book or e-journal article, click on ‘Permalink’

· Click on Copy the permalink to clipboard

· Open up the VLE to the relevant reading and paste the permalink next to it.

One of the links to a required reading on my course list isn’t working. What can I do?

Get in touch with us at with the name of the course and the reading details.

How do I access Senate House Library resources? (Senate House membership)

Courtauld staff and students can become members of Senate House Library and access both their physical and e-resources. Some course required readings will only be available via Senate House, so membership is essential. For information on the library and how to register as a member, see the Senate House webpage on the Courtauld Library website.

Can I make scans from books that I personally own to share with students on the VLE?

Scanning and sharing extracts from books or journals via the VLE is only allowed if the Courtauld Library owns a copy itself, or if it subscribes to a digital version, and in both cases, the title is covered by the CLA Licence. If you wish to use books or journals that the Courtauld Library doesn’t yet own, please do get in touch, and we will try to purchase/get access for you and your students.

I need something scanned but it isn’t allowed under the CLA Licence. Is there anything that can be done?

There are certain copyright exceptions that we may be able to make use of to provide scans of requested material, however these need to be checked on a case by case basis. The library does check for these as part of its reading list processes when we encounter something that cannot be scanned under the CLA Licence. More information on copyright exceptions in education can be found on’s website.
