Exhibition Catalogues
A central part of the Courtauld Library’s print holdings is our large and important collection of national and international exhibition catalogues. This is a unique collection in both its extent (63,000 print volumes at the last count and constantly growing), and in the fact that the catalogues are shelved separately from the rest of the main collection. Students and staff can still borrow exhibition catalogues, though, in the same way as any other main collection material.
Exhibition catalogues FAQs
How do I know if an item is an exhibition catalogue?
Library Search will show that an item is an exhibition catalogue by a note preceding the classmark (the combination of letters and numbers denoting an item’s location). For example, just under the bibliographical information for the book, it will say: “Available at Courtauld Libraries EXHIBITION CATALOGUES (Z5068 PAR CEN)”
Where are exhibition catalogues located in the Library?
Exhibition catalogues are located in the Burgundy Room, with classmarks between Z5000 and Z5099. Catalogues are classified and shelved according to location (country, city and exhibition venue). To find the catalogue you need, you’ll also need the date of the publication – which is shown on the record on Library Search, and also on the sticker on the spine of the book. Catalogues are shelved in date order.
How many exhibition catalogues can I borrow?
Loan entitlements for staff and students are the same regardless of the combination of exhibition catalogues or main collection print items. See our page on borrowing Library items.
How does the Library acquire exhibition catalogues?
We have standing orders with many galleries and institutions but we also acquire other materials on a more occasional basis. If you know of an exhibition catalogue that you think we should have but don’t, you can recommend it for us to purchase using our online form.