Courtauld Cambridge Russian Research Centre (CCRAC)
The Cambridge Courtauld Russian Art Centre (CCRAC) is a joint initiative between the Department of History of Art, University of Cambridge, and The Courtauld Institute of Art, London, to provide a forum for the investigation of Russian and Soviet art. Founded by Dr Rosalind P. Blakesley (University of Cambridge) and Professor John Milner (The Courtauld Institute of Art) and with an advisory group of current and former graduate students, it aims to stimulate debate, support collaborative work, and generate and disseminate research on all aspects of the visual arts, architecture, design, and exhibitions in Russia and the Soviet Union.
The University of Cambridge and The Courtauld Institute of Art have both pioneered teaching in these areas. Research students and staff have also been involved in many ventures to take the study of Russian art and architecture further afield, through exhibitions, museum displays, work with schools, and the broadcast media. CCRAC builds on this expertise to provide a new focus for the investigation of Russian art, taking research and interest to a new level, while at the same time creating a dynamic interface between cutting-edge scholarship and the subject’s growing audiences outside academia.
CCRAC aims to facilitate, encourage and collaborate in promoting the study of Russian and/or Soviet art and culture, through conferences and comparable activities. While CCRAC actively welcomes suggestions and proposals in relation to this aim, no projects can be presented under the heading, name, or logo of the Cambridge Courtauld Russian Art Centre (CCRAC) without written permission from the co-directors in Cambridge University and/or the Courtauld Institute of Art. Proposals to CCRAC will be considered in relation to location, timing, and funding, as well as balance of interests and organisational responsibility in any collaboration.
Please direct all enquiries to the Administrator, Kamila Kocialkowska (enquiries@ccrac.org.uk) or Dr Maria Mileeva (Co-director, maria.mileeva@courtauld.ac.uk).
For more information about us, including past and upcoming events, please visit our website www.ccrac.org.uk