Academic Support

Student working in the library

The Courtauld library team, and academic support staff, will boost your academic prowess.

Library tutoring

The Library offers a range of skill training and academic support. This includes 1-2-1 appointments with a Librarian, and online training videos. For further information check out the Library website or email
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Royal Literary Fund Fellows

The Royal Literary Fellows can help students in every year of their studies to polish your academic writing, reading strategies, and organisation of material. If you would like to speak with a fellow about your style, clarity of argument, or if you need help with structure, tone, or simply getting to grips with the writing process, please do get in touch with them.  (Note: this is not an editing or proofreading service).

Ideally, they will look at some of your written work in advance and then discuss it with you in person at the meeting. Please state in your email the times you are not available so that they can allocate you a session that fits in with your schedule. It’s best to book well in advance, if possible. If you leave it until the week your essay is due, you may find there are no free slots.

If you find you can’t make the appointment, please email them as soon as possible so that they can use your time for someone else. Students can book one or two tutorials per term, and sessions are available for any Courtauld student, from BA to PhD.

Academic Skills Tutor

One to one support is available for students who feel they need some additional assistance with academic writing conventions, speaking for presentations, or any other academic skill.

How to book an appointment:
Email our Academic Skills Tutor, Anjali Thakariya (, outlining the course you are studying, assignment details, and what you would like to focus on. You can choose to have your work looked at via email or if the appointment is in person send no more than two pages three days before the appointment.  Please note appointment requests and support via email must be made no less than a week before deadlines. If you have a quick question this can be answered via email at any point in the writing process.

What to expect:
The aim is to help you to improve your academic skills.  If you wish to focus on your written work, you will need to send a sample of your writing.  This should be a maximum of 2 sides of A4. The tutor will be happy to look at your work or discuss any skills issues with you. At the end of the session they will try to summarise the areas in which you can improve future pieces of work.  Please do not expect the tutor to simply correct and proof-read your essay or to improve the subject content.

What you can do before your consultation:
Please check your written work carefully before you come. For example, use your spell-check and grammar-check facilities on Microsoft Word.  If you have lots of careless grammar and spelling mistakes, there will be no time left to discuss more important aspects of your work such as academic conventions, structure and your writing style.  Also, try to identify areas of academic skills or language you have particular problems with, and come with some specific questions if possible.

Specialist Support

If you require any any additional support due to having either a disability (mental or physical health related) or a specific learning difficulty (Spld) and/or neurodiversity (such as autism, ADHD, dyslexia or dyspraxia) this can be arranged by our Wellbeing Service. The types of support available are:

  • Specialist study skills tutoring
  • Mental health mentoring
  • Screening and assessments for SpLDs and neurodiverse conditions
  • Assistive technology
  • Help with Disabled Students Allowance (DSA applications
  • Counselling
  • Wellbeing check in
  • Reasonable adjustments (SoRA)

You can find out more about the support available on the Wellbeing Page or by emailing

Personal Tutors

If you want to address an academic or pastoral issue, you can also speak to your Personal Tutor. Please email them for an appointment.
