Students’ Union
The Students’ Union is the representative body for the students of The Courtauld Institute of Art. We run alongside but separate to the University. We spend our time advocating on behalf of students in all matters including academia, welfare support and the student experience. Please follow us on Instagram @courtauld_su and check our emails from students.union@courtauld.ac.uk for regular updates on events, activities, campaigns, and election information.
On joining The Courtauld students automatically become members of the Students’ Union and are thereby entitled to the use our services, to vote in our elections and to run for positions within the Union.
Students are represented by:
- The President: a full-time sabbatical officer
- Vice President: a part-time student officer
- Executive Officers: elected student volunteers who form the Executive Committee along with the President and Vice President
- The Students’ Union Parliament: elected course representatives and officers for student groups
All representatives are democratically elected by the student body and always work with the student body’s interests at heart.
The Executive Committee meets weekly, and the Students’ Union Parliament meets monthly. Both groups discuss all matters currently affecting the student experience at The Courtauld. Please get in touch with your course rep with any concerns or queries that you’d like to raise at these regular meetings.
The Parliament
The Students’ Union carries out elections every year in October and April. You can find out below who your 2024/25 elected representatives are.
Students’ Union President – Prune Engérant
- Vice President – Noah Smith
- Executive Officer for Education – Yoyo Hou
- Executive Officer for Welfare – Victoria Strickland
- Executive Officer for Student Environment – Grace Morley
- Executive Officer for Activities & Development – Biyao (Katie) Yu
- Executive Officer for Widening Participation – Hannah Snyder
- LGBTQ+ Students’ Officer – Maxwell Zinkievich
- Disabled Students’ Officer – Julia Antonczuk
- International Students’ Officer – Clayton Howard
- Global Majority Students’ Officer – Neha Sayeed
- BA1 Representative – Andrew Dearman
- BA2 Representative – position not filled
- BA3 Representative – George Batzanopoulos
- MA History of Art Representative – Abigail Spencer
- Graduate Diploma Representative – Tessa Cranfield
- MA Conservation of Easel Paintings Representative – K Mishler
- MA Conservation of Wall Paintings Representative – Amour Keller
- MA Art History and Conservation of Buddhist Heritage Representative – Raine Revere
- PhD Representatives (teaching and non-teaching) – Alison Braybrooks
All reps are friendly and helpful so do not hesitate to get in touch and ask any questions you may have. If we cannot help directly, all reps are able to help point you in the right direction. All officers are obliged to be confidential and sensitive towards all matters.
If you need to know more about what each officer does or how to run for the position email us at students.union@courtauld.ac.uk
The Courtauld has a number of societies, each being run by students at The Courtauld.
Most society events will be advertised through the Students’ Union Instagram, or our Weekly email Newsletter. If any of the societies below interest you, you can also get in touch with them directly via email or through their social media account.
Architecture Society: architecture.society@courtauld.ac.uk // @courtauld_architecture
Art Law: artlaw.society@courtauld.ac.uk // @artlaw.courtauld
Business Of Art Society: business.ofart@courtauld.ac.uk // @businessofart_courtauld
Caledonian Society: calsoc@courtauld.ac.uk // @courtauldcalsoc
Ducks and Soup Society: ducksandsoupsocialclub@courtauld.ac.uk // @ducks.andsoup_courtauld
East Wing biennial/ VS1 Society: vs1.exhibition@courtauld.ac.uk // @eastwingbiennial
Fashion Design Society: fashiondesignsoc@courtauld.ac.uk // @courtauldfashiondesign
Fine Arts Society: fineartsociety@courtauld.ac.uk // @courtauld.fineart
Feminist Society: fem.soc@courtauld.ac.uk // @courtauldfemsoc
Film Society: film.society@courtauld.ac.uk // @courtauldfilmsociety
Global Majority Students’ Society: globalmajoritysoc@courtauld.ac.uk
Italian Art Society: italian.art.society@courtauld.ac.uk // @courtaulditalianartsociety
Medieval Society: medieval.society@courtauld.ac.uk // @courtauld.medieval.soc
Plein Air Art Society: pleinair_artsociety@courtauld.ac.uk // @courtauld.plein_air
Spotlight Society: spotlight@courtauld.ac.uk // @courtauldspotlight
The Courtauldian: the.courtauldian@courtauld.ac.uk // @thecourtauldian // https://www.courtauldian.com
Ancient Art Society: ancientartsociety@courtauld.ac.uk // @courtauldancientartsociety
If you’re interested in setting up your own society, please get in touch with the SU by email to discuss the process. The deadline for society applications is in mid-October.
Alternatively, you can also look into joining societies at our partner university, KCL.
You can consult our full constitution below.
The Students’ Union constitution outlines the principles of our Union.
If you would like to discuss the constitution and the Students’ Union expectations in more detail, please feel free to contact the Students’ Union via email.
If you feel these rules have not been adhered to and you wish to file a complaint, please follow the procedure outlined.
The National Union of Students is the definitive national voice of students. They’re a powerful campaigning organisation working to achieve real change to the benefit of all students.
The NUS also provides vital training, advice and practical support for Students’ Unions around the UK. Without their contribution Students’ Unions wouldn’t nearly be as empowered, strong and able to develop for the benefit of the students.
Freedom of Speech
In May 2023, the Higher Education (Freedom of Speech) Act 2023 received Royal Assent and passed into law. The act aimed to strengthen current legislation on freedom of speech and academic freedom in universities and Students’ Unions. Due to concerns from vulnerable groups about how the rules might harm student welfare, implementation of the Act was paused in July 2024.
Broadly, freedom of speech refers to the right to express lawful opinions without interference, whilst academic freedom aims to protect the right of academics to test received wisdom and put forward controversial opinions. In this context, ‘within the law’ means that speech is protected unless it contravenes another law. For example, speech would not be protected if it constitutes harassment, incites hatred or a criminal act, or it amounts to support of a proscribed (banned) organisation.
The Courtauld Students’ Union has currently chosen to adopt the Courtauld Institute of Art’s Code of Practice on Freedom of Speech.
The Students’ Union Code of Conduct can also be reviewed in our constitution (Appendix 3.0).
If you want to get in touch with us to discuss any of the information shared here, you can email students.union@courtauld.ac.uk.