About The Courtauld Gallery
The Courtauld is home to one of the world’s great art collections, located in the magnificent historic setting of Somerset House in central London.
The collection includes paintings, drawings, prints sculpture and decorative arts ranging from the medieval period to the present day. The Courtauld Gallery is renowned for its remarkable group of Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings, including the world-famous A Bar at the Folies-Bergère by Édouard Manet and Vincent van Gogh’s Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear. They were assembled by the collector and philanthropist Samuel Courtauld, one of the founders of this institution.
The Courtauld presents an exciting programme of acclaimed temporary exhibitions, sharing new insights into the work of significant artists past and present.
The Gallery’s activities offer something for everyone, whatever their level of knowledge. They draw on The Courtauld’s position as a leading international centre for teaching and research in art history, conservation and curating. From school visits and family events, to curator-led talks and short courses exploring fascinating themes in art, The Courtauld encourages everyone to enjoy and engage with art and its histories.
The Courtauld Gallery is now open, following a major programme of renovation that has transformed its historic building and expanded its activities.