
This drwing shows the profile of a young woman with her hair up in a bun. Behind her in the top left of the image is a painting of a house. Over her face are lines which replicate a map.
Untitled by Alice. Impressions of Place by Driffield School and Sixth Form 2023

Alice, Year 12

“In this piece, I have used a variation of maps from areas surrounding Driffield, this was motivated by Juliana Cole and the way she uses maps to create the look of fragmentation. Another artist I was influenced by was Abigail Reynolds, as I copied her splicing technique to combine my map and to create new shapes. My final inspiration was Svetlana Wittman, who creates architectural art using watercolour and pen. This work led me to go down a similar route when adding my house. Overall, my artwork depicts my personal impressions of place through the side profile of my face including a pencil map design and my front door in pen displaying my impressions of Driffield as home.”
