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Information about Athens

OpenAthens (also known as Athens) is a user authentication service, enabling Courtauld students and staff to access online resources off-campus.

For help regarding your Athens account you can email

The OpenAthens login area may appear differently on each online resource. To access an online resource using OpenAthens:

  1. Look for a login area.
  2. If there is the option to login via OpenAthens, select this option. If OpenAthens is not listed, look for ‘Institutional Login’ and then OpenAthens or Shibboleth
  3. If prompted, select ‘The Courtauld’
  4. Enter your Courtauld network credentials (Courtauld email & password)
  5. OpenAthens will then redirect you back to the online resource

Alternatively you can also link directly to resources by signing in first at the OpenAthens portal

Help with accessing resources remotely via OpenAthens

OpenAthens FAQs

How do I get an OpenAthens username and password?

The Library registers Courtauld students at the start of your course.

I am still unable to access the online resource, what should I do?

Contact us and we will advise.
