Arts of the Buddhist World: Heritage and Conservation Lecture Series

Organisers: Sussan Babaie, Austin Nevin, Stephen Whiteman

Digital image of a Buddhist temple depicting the roof and a large statue of Buddha i Digital reconstruction of the the Ten Thousand Buddhas Pavilion (Wanfoge) in Beijing Zhihua Temple (1444). Courtesy of the Dispersed Chinese Art Digitalization Project (DCADP), University of Chicago and Xi’an Jiaotong Univeristy.

Art of the Buddhist World: History and Conservation was the first event in this series relating to the Robert H. N. Ho Family Foundation Centre for Buddhist Art and Conservation at The Courtauld. It presented a series of lectures and workshops exploring the current fields of Buddhist art from across Asia.

During Autumn and Spring Terms, leading speakers in Buddhist art history presented focused research from across a range of Buddhist geographies, temporalities, and methodologies, including Southeast Asia, Japan, China, South Asia, and the Himalayas. In Summer Term, three roundtables addressed the intersections of conservation, art history, and site-based research, as we explore Bamiyan and West Asia; Dunhuang and Central Asia; and thangka painting. Over the course of the year, this rich variety of public events aimed present and expand our understanding about the state of the field in Buddhist art and the contemporary challenges facing art historians and conservators in studying, working in, and preserving Buddhist monuments across Asia.

Organisers: Sussan Babaie, Austin Nevin, Stephen Whiteman


