Submit to Reworking Manet
Before submitting please read through all the submissions information on this webpage.
There are two stages you need to complete in order to submit for Reworking Manet:
Stage One – Fill in the short form here
Please note, this form asks for a title, short description of your response and any supporting information you wish to note. We recommend you writing this initially within a word document, before copying it over to the submission form, as occasionally the form refreshes if unused for a period of time.
Stage Two – E-mail your response to
Please put the subject title ‘Reworking Manet Submission – YOUR NAME‘
You will receive a confirmation e-mail once both stages have been compete. Please allow five working days for this to be processed. If you do not receive an e-mail within five working days, please e-mail:
Reworking Manet - Submission Guidance
This video has been created to support students document and submit their responses to Reworking Manet. Reworking Manet is a Live Brief for state school students aged 14-18, asking them to respond to Édouard Manet’s, A Bar at the Folies-Bergère (1882). Selected participants will have the opportunity to display their work in The Courtauld Gallery during Autumn 2023. The film features artwork created by artist Toya Walker and student Heidi Wunsche.
Selected responses to the painting will have the opportunity to be displayed in The Courtauld Gallery from Autumn 2023. Please view submission details, guidance and entry criteria below.
Important dates:
Submissions open: Monday 9th January 2023
Submission deadline: Friday 21st April 2023
All artists will be contacted during May. We request, where possible, all submitted artwork are kept well preserved until we have notified participants.
Selected artists will work with The Courtauld gallery team between May and July. The display is schedule to open in Autumn 2023.
Some submissions which are not selected, will appear on The Courtauld’s online Reworking Manet gallery, launching Autumn 2023
You must be currently studying in a UK based state school/college, or homeschooled and aged between 14-18 years.
You can submit only one response which must be of your own work, however your one response can feature a series of components (for example, a series of photographs).
You are allowed to work collaboratively, therefore submissions will be accepted by individuals or groups of students working together.
You are encouraged to create a submission in a format that best highlights your response to Édouard Manet’s, A Bar at the Folies-Bergère. This could be in the form of spoken word, a performance, an essay, a photograph(s), an artwork.
All initial submission will be a digital image or file of your response with a short explanation of your work. If selected to exhibit at The Courtauld, we will work with you to print or collect your work free of charge.
Submitting an artwork:
Your submission must be high-res JPEG files (or equivalent). We recommend high resolution images of at least 300dpi.
Your submission can be a photograph or a scan and can be imbedded within a MSWord or PowerPoint document.
We ask for high-res images so they can be used if selected for the online gallery.
If your work is too big to e-mail (for example a video), please e-mail: and we will get back to you with a large file transfer link.
Submitting a document:
You can submit your response within a MSWord, PDF or PowerPoint formant.
If your submission is in a unique format (ie requires a special software to open) please e-mail before submitting:
You are welcome to create a large-scale response, however we recommend submissions to be no bigger than A1 (594 x 841 mm). Due to the limitations of the gallery size, larger submissions will limit your chances of being selected to showcase your work at The Courtauld.
Work bigger than A1 can still be submitted in a digital format for the purposes of the online exhibition. All responses regardless of scale will be considered for inclusion on our online Reworking Manet gallery, launching in Autumn 2023.
Documenting your work
Clear and professional documentation is a vital skill when capturing artwork. Please consider the following before submitting your response.
Taking images of your artwork:
- Consider the background to your artwork. Can you see anything which isn’t part of your artwork? Can you put a white backdrop to your work, or tightly crop your image?
- We wish to see the detail of your artwork, if possible please take high quality images
- Make sure your image is equally lit. This will enable you to capture better colours and details within your work and reduce any shadows.
Accompanying words:
- Does your artwork have a title? Is there any accompanying text panel with your work? Think about how this may change the engagement or understanding of your submission.
- Is there an aspect of the artwork that you can’t tell from your submission. Ie is there a moving part, or a way in which the audience is meant to interact with the artwork which we can’t gain from your submitted image.
Carefully consider your use of materials, ensuring that these are safe for display in a public gallery space.
You are responsible for the safety of yourself and others while creating your response.