Apply for Accommodation

Check your eligibility, deadlines, and how to apply

i Duchy House exterior

How to apply

The 2025/26 accommodation application form will allow you to rank your top four room choices across a number of Halls. We you to choose a combination of rooms across all Halls, to increase your chances of securing a room in Halls.

The deadline for applications for the academic year 2025/26 is 17:00 on Wednesday, 7 May 2025.  You will be notified of the outcome of your application by 17:00 on Friday, 30 May 2025.

Accommodation offers will be sent to the e-mail address associated with your accommodation application. Therefore, it is crucial that we are informed of any changes to your contact details should those change after you submit your application.

Accommodation FAQs

Accessible or Adapted Accommodation

We have no rooms that are accessible or have been adapted to meet specific requirements. However, if you have a need for an accessible or adapted room, please e-mail to discuss your needs, as we may be able to secure a suitable room for you within Intercollegiate Halls.

Acceptance and Payment Deposit Deadlines

Duchy House, The Courtauld

Acceptance and deposit payment will need to be confirmed and paid by 23:59 hours on Friday, 13 June 2025.

Intercollegiate Halls of Residence, University of London

Upon receipt of your offer, you will have five days to accept and pay the deposit.  From the week commencing 25th August 2025, this deadline will reduce to 3 days, and for those contracts sent on or after 29 August 2025, you will have 48 hours to accept.

Canada Water and Angel Lane, King’s College London

At the point of booking your accommodation, you must pay a £450 pre-payment which will be offset against the first instalment of your residence fee.


Contract Extensions

The option to extend contracts for part or all of the summer period i.e. from early June through to early September 2026, is available upon request. However, the Licence Agreement for Term Time and Summer Time may differ. As a result, we cannot guarantee that students will be able to stay in their Term Time room, if a contract extension is requested or agreed.



Due to our size, we are unable to provide family accommodation within Duchy House and our selected allocation of rooms within the University of London’s Intercollegiate Halls. Instead, we advise those looking for this type of accommodation to contact Goodenough College.

Students under eighteen years of age on the date of moving in can only be accommodated in University of London’s College Hall.

Duchy House, The Courtauld

Duchy House offers accommodation for continuing Courtauld students and postgraduate students enrolled in both nine-month and twelve-month MA programmes.

Intercollegiate Halls of Residence, University of London

The Intercollegiate Halls of Residence are available for continuing Courtauld students, postgraduate students enrolled in nine-month MA programmes, and all BA1 students including those under eighteen years of age on the date of moving in.

Canada Water and Angel Lane, King’s College London

King’s College London Halls of Residence are open to BA1 students and Angel Lane is also open to postgraduate students enrolled in nine-month MA programmes only.

Financial Concerns

We have a number of different rooms in both catered and non-catered halls to meet different budgets.  When you apply, please note that you would like a specific price band or type of room for financial reasons in the section headed “If you would like to provide additional information”.

Whilst we will do our best to allocate you your preferred room type, due to the total number of each room type available we cannot guarantee being able to offer you your preferred room type.

If you are allocated a higher priced room, and need financial support, then please consider applying once you enrolled to our Hardship Fund.

Medical Requirements

If you have special requirements for medical or personal reasons, please confirm details in your application under the section headed “If you would like to provide additional information”.

Lifestyle Preferences

Unfortunately, the residences available to Courtauld students are unable to provide solely single-sex or alcohol-free accommodation.

However, all residences strive to provide supportive and inclusive accommodation. If you have any concerns regarding shared bathroom facilities, please get in touch, and all halls will do their best to provide a suitable and comfortable arrangement for you.

Duchy House:

King’s College London:

University of London:

Waiting List

With our best endeavours, we aim to offer all first year undergraduates a room in either Angel Lane, Canada Water or a University of London Hall.

For all other applicants, we frequently receive more applicants than we can accommodate. Therefore, we must consider various factors when allocating rooms, including disclosed disability/health/wellbeing issues, international status, the distance of the family home from London, and prior study in the UK.

If you are placed on our waiting list, you will be informed and contacted by our Accommodation Team should a vacant room arise in any of allocated Halls after 18 June 2025.


If you have a physical disability or other health/wellbeing concern which we need to consider during the allocation process, please email us at with cover letter or description of your disability/health/welling once you have submitted your accommodation application. If you are a current Courtauld student, or hold an unconditional offer for postgraduate study, these details can be appended in the additional information section of your application form.

Upon receipt of your details , we may request further information, including a medical certificate or other relevant documentation.

While we aim to accommodate all students disclosing a disability/health/wellbeing matter at the time of their applications and priorities suitable rooms, not all residences will be suitable for every applicant.

Apply Here

The deadline for applications for the academic year 2025/26 is 17:00 on Wednesday, 7 May 2025.

All applicants will be notified of the outcome of their application by 17:00 on Friday, 30 May 2025. If you are not initially offered a room, you will be placed on a wait list and promptly informed of any changes to your application status.

For any enquires about accommodation, please contact our Accommodation Manager on

Apply Here
students outside Vernon Square
