Leave a gift in your Will

Two conservation students working on a wall

Legacies form the cornerstone of The Courtauld, ever since our first benefactors, Samuel Courtauld, Sir Robert Witt and Viscount Lee of Fareham, bequeathed their art collections and founded the Institute. Their generosity and foresight ensured that The Courtauld has become the most critically engaged, welcoming and generous institution for the study of art history, curation and conservation in the world.

Few, if any of us, possess a private art and library collection to rival Samuel Courtauld, Robert Witt and Viscount Lee’s combined collections, but anyone can remember The Courtauld with a gift in their Will. All legacy gifts – whether large or small – are immensely important to allow us to plan for the future. A gift in your Will has the power to transform the lives of many who study and work at The Courtauld, particularly by growing our endowment fund so that the impact of your donation lasts in perpetuity.

How to leave a gift in your Will

Contact us

If you would like to have a confidential conversation about how your gift could make an impact, please contact Miriam Thiede, Senior Development Manager, on +44 (0)20 3947 7741 or email legacies@courtauld.ac.uk

The Courtauld Institute of Art
Somerset House
London WC2R 0RN

Our legacy pledger programme

We appreciate that leaving a legacy gift is a personal decision that you may prefer to keep private, but we would be delighted to thank you if you are happy to share your intentions with us. Letting us know when you have included The Courtauld in your Will is extremely helpful as it enables us to show you how your gift could make a difference. It also allows us to plan for the future, when appropriate.

We have a very active and wonderfully warm group of legacy pledgers. We would be delighted to invite you to join them and attend our regular legacy pledger event, as well as send you our annual publications and Courtauld News.

Two people standing in a gallery looking at a painting i Students in the Gallery

Make a gift in memory

Making a gift in memory of a loved one allows you both to celebrate their life and secure the future of The Courtauld.  Whether you want to do this on your own, with a small group of family or friends, or with everyone who was touched by your loved one’s life – there are lots of special and meaningful ways you can remember and honour them.

Sophie Trevelyan Thomas, 1984–2013

Spotlight: The Sophie Trevelyan Thomas Scholarship

In 2014, The Courtauld established an endowed scholarship fund in memory of alumna Sophie Trevelyan Thomas (1984–2013). At the suggestion of her family, and with the warm agreements of The Courtauld, it was felt that the endowment was a fitting tribute to Sophie, given her talents and passions. This scholarship has created an enduring legacy for the field of art history – educating the very best art historians for generations to come.

With thanks to the generosity of Sophie’s family, friends, colleagues and The Courtauld’s community of donors, over £250,000 was raised to begin the fund. The Sophie Trevelyan Thomas Scholarship supports the tuition fees for one or more students undertaking an MA in any module from the Medieval or Renaissance period.

"I would not have been able to undertake this year of study, and I cannot thank you enough for your gift. It was a very great privilege to receive Sophie's scholarship, and I have always kept in mind the extremely special nature of my award as a gift that honours the memory of Sophie."
Oliver Coulson, MA, Sophie Trevelyan Thomas Scholar 2015

Courtauld Institute of Art (company no 4464432) is an exempt charity under the Charities Act 2011.