Join us for The Courtauld Lates, and enjoy after-hours art, cocktails and music at The Courtauld Gallery.
The Courtauld Gallery will open its doors for late-night access until 22:30, giving visitors the chance to enjoy an evening of world-class art, cocktails and music surrounded by The Courtauld’s collection of masterpieces at Somerset House.
Join us on Fri 14 June 2024 for a Summer of Art and to experience our latest exhibitions Roger Mayne: Youth; Henry Moore: Shadows on the Wall and our latest display Vanessa Bell: A Pioneer of Modern Art.
Unwind after work and explore masterpieces from The Courtauld’s world-renowned art collection, such as Van Gogh’s Self-Portrait with Bandaged Ear and Manet’s A Bar at the Folies-Bergère. Other highlights include the Bloomsbury Room and the magnificent Blavatnik Fine Rooms.
A pop-up bar serving ‘Courtauld Cocktails’ will be open in The Courtauld Shop on the lower ground floor, while the Art Café will be open all night, with a food station available for a light snack.
Plus live DJ sets in the Gallery Entrance Hall throughout the evening.

June Lates Programme
Lower Ground Floor
Cocktail Bar & Courtyard Terrace; The Courtauld Shop.
Guests get 10% off in the shop all evening.
Ground Floor
DJ set in the Entrance Hall
Cocktails in the Art Café and Bar (opposite the main entrance to the Gallery)
First Floor
The Ruddock Family Gallery: Medieval and Early Renaissance
Gilbert and Ildiko Butler Drawings Gallery: Henry Moore: Shadows on the Wall
Second Floor
Blavatnik Fine Rooms: European Art (1400 – 1800)
Project Space – Vanessa Bell: A Pioneer of Modern Art
Third Floor
Katja and Nicolai Tangen 20th Century Gallery: MA Curating the Art Museum display
Bloomsbury Room
Cecily Brown Commission
Weston Gallery: Early Impressionism
LVMH Great Room: Impressionism and Post-Impressionism
Denise Coates Exhibition Galleries: Roger Mayne: Youth