In the second and final session of the 2024 -25 Painting Pairs programme, the pairs will present their research findings to a public audience before compiling and submitting an Art Historical and Technical Study Report.
Painting Pairs: Art History and Technical Study is a research opportunity for graduate students enrolled in the MA in the History of Art, MA in Curating, and the PhD program at The Courtauld. It is supported by the Research Forum, the Courtauld Gallery and the Department of Conservation. Selected students in Art History or Curating are given the opportunity to form a research partnership with future conservators in the second year of the Masters in the Conservation of Easel Paintings.
Each pairing explores the contribution of technical study and art historical scholarship in relation to key questions related to paintings undergoing analysis or treatment in the Department of Conservation. The paintings are drawn from private and public collections, including the Courtauld Gallery.
The program is now in its 13th year – this year we have five pairs of graduate students. In this the final session, the pairs will present the results of their collaborative research.
Organised by Professor Aviva Burnstock, Pippa Balch (Senior Lecturer in the Conservation of Easel Paintings), and Dr Karen Serres (Senior Curator of Paintings), The Courtauld.
2024 – 25 Participants:
Nitzan Eliyahu and Lara Dunn, Portrait of Hannah Freeman, Braintree Museum.
K Mishler and Naila Ben Said, 19th French Clock painting, Private Collection.
Ursula Griffiths and Benjamin Singer, Portrait of Naroji by Sorab Pithawalla, Private Collection, Formerly India Club.
Madeleine Byfield and Ana-Sofia Petrovic, Allegory of May and June, Private Collection.
Catherine Doherty and Katie-Mia Diamandi, Pair of Omega Workshop doors, gifted to the Courtauld Gallery permanent collection.