Painting Pairs: Art History and Technical Study’ is a research opportunity for graduate students enrolled in the MA in the History of Art, MA in Curating the Art Museum and the PhD programme. It is supported by the Research Forum, the Courtauld Gallery and the Department of Conservation. Selected students are given the opportunity to form a research partnership with future conservators from the postgraduate diploma in the Conservation of Easel Paintings
Each pairing explores the contribution technical study can make to art historical scholarship (and vice versa) through research on a painting undergoing analysis or treatment in the Department of Conservation and Technology. The paintings are drawn from private and public collections, including the Courtauld Gallery.
In this second presentation, the pairs will each report on their technical and art historical examination in a 15-20 minute presentation, with time for questions.
2023 – 24 Participants and paintings
Nitzan Band and Jessica Raja-Brown, Bearded Man with a Falcon, Courtauld Gallery
Grace Storey and Sarah Brokenborough, Mary Queen of Scots, Royal Collection Trust
Christina O’Brien and Ana Maria Delmar, Portrait of Stephanie Pilkington 1919, Private Collection
Victoria Ward and Tiffany Foster, Childbirth Scene, Private Collection
Sakeenah Montanaro and Bianca Arthur-Hull, Portrait of a Lady, Parham House
Organised by Professor Aviva Burnstock (The Courtauld), Pippa Balch (The Courtauld) and Dr Karen Serres (The Courtauld).