Join us at the launch of the 2021 issue of immediations, Courtauld’s annual peer-reviewed publication of postgraduate research.
This edition of the journal brings together five articles which span a range of geographies and periods, from eighteenth-century Paris to contemporary South Korea. Each challenges the boundaries of art history, whether by interrogating the relationship between art and identity or scrutinising the impact of our discipline on heritage conservation. Carole Nataf considers an eighteenth-century Parisian shop as a site of identity formation for a new social type, the amateur. Xiaojue Michelle Zhu unpicks Georg Scholz’s Industrial Farmers (1920) by situating it within the context of contemporary discourses on the city-country dichotomy in Weimar Germany; while Cora Chalaby argues for a dialectical relationship between materiality and immateriality in Ruth Asawa’s looped-wire sculptures, interpreting it as a metaphor for the sculptor’s experience of her racialised identity. Through an in-depth study of Latrinxia: A New Utopia, a 2019 installation by South Korean artist Dew Kim, Andrew Cummings explores tensions between the modern body and queerness, weaving into the discussion Korea’s histories of colonialism and biomedicine. Maria Harvey contends that certain biases of traditional art history have had serious repercussions on how cultural heritage of southern Italy has been imagined, conceptualised, and protected.
This issue also includes exhibition and book reviews by Matteo Chirumbolo, Emie Diamond, Eliza Goodpasture, Carla Kessler, Rachel Kubrick, and Margaret Squires.
The cover features a recent work by Michaela Yearwood-Dan.
In its eighteenth year, immediations continues to provide a global forum for showcasing the rigorous and innovative research of Courtauld’s postgraduate students and early career researchers. Published both in print and online, the journal is at the forefront of providing scholars in the arts and humanities with open access to new research and writing.
This issue of immediations has been selected and edited by Bella Radenović and the editorial board: Samuel Dawson (Reviews Editor), Kateryna Denysova (Reviews Editor), Laura Franchetti (Social Media Editor), Giulia Morale, Fred Shan, Leo Stefani (Subscriptions Editor), and Francesca Wilmott (Reviews Editor).
Organised by Bella Radenović (The Courtauld).

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