Director's Circle, Patrons' Circle

Curator’s Introduction and Breakfast: Painting the Modern Garden: Monet to Matisse

Fri 19 Mar, 2021

Using the work of Monet as a starting point, this landmark exhibition examines the role gardens played in the evolution of art from the early 1860s through to the 1920s. Monet, arguably the most important painter of gardens in the history of art, once said he owed his painting “to flowers”. But Monet was far from alone in his fascination with the horticultural world, and therefore the exhibition also includes masterpieces by Renoir, Cézanne, Pissarro, Manet, Sargent, Kandinsky, Van Gogh, Matisse, Klimt and Klee. Exhibition curator and Courtauld Alumna Ann Dumas (MA History of Art 1981) will introduce these beautiful works and discuss the stories of the artists who made them.

