Sponsored by the British Archaeological Association, this event aims to demonstrate the range of career options available to medievalists, especially those studying in Art History and adjacent disciplines such as History, Archaeology and Heritage Studies. Recent graduates and those in recruitment positions will offer tips and advice on a range of careers, including
- Heritage and Conservation
- Curating and the art market
- Tour guiding and freelancing
- Universities
- Archives and libraries
- Publishing and editing
Tickets cost £12, which covers the lunch, tea/coffee and cake provided to all attending. Talks will also be recorded and posted online after the event.
In recognition of the need to diversify the field of medieval studies, the British Archaeological Association can offer a limited number of bursaries to subsidize ticket and travel costs. For further details follow this link.
The event will run from 10-5.30pm on Saturday 16th March, and follows The Courtauld’s Medieval Postgraduate Colloquium on Friday 15th March. It will be held in the lecture theatre at The Courtauld’s Vernon Square campus in London, a 10-minute walk from Kings Cross Station.
Organised by Dr Tom Nickson (The Courtauld)
10.15: Welcome and introduction, Tom Nickson (Lecture Theatre 2)
Panel A. Teaching. Chair: Tom Nickson, The Courtauld
10.30: Universities: Julian Luxford , St Andrews
10.45: Tour-guiding: John McNeill, Martin Randall Travel & Oxford Dept. for Continuing Education
11.00: Freelancing and museum teaching: Sally Dormer, V&A
11.15: Discussion
Panel B. Publishing. Chair: Roisin Astell, University of York
11.45: Academic Publishing: Alexandra Gajewski, Burlington Magazine and Institute of Historical Research, London
12.00: Freelance and portfolio working: Michael Carter, English Heritage and the Tablet
12.15: Freelancing and writing for the public: Amy Jeffs, Author of Storyland and Wild
12.30: Discussion
12.45: Lunch
Panel C. Museums & Markets. Chair: Charlotte Wytema, British Museum
1.45: Curating: Naomi Speakman, British Museum
2.00: Beyond Curating: Aoife Stables, Museum of London
2.15: The Art Market: Jana Gajdosova, Sam Fogg
2.30: Discussion
Panel D. Heritage Management. Chair: Philippa Turner, The National Archives
3.00: Heritage: Jeremy Ashbee, English Heritage3.15: Building and Painting Conservation: Jane Spooner, The Courtauld
3.30: Heritage Consultancy: Andrew Derrick, Architectural History Practice
3.45: Archives: Alex Buchanan, Liverpool University
4.00: Discussion
4.15: Break-out sessions with tea/coffee and cake. Guests will divide into four sections (A, B, C, D), so that attendees can better chat to speakers. Attendees choose two sections, rotating after 30 mins.
5.15: Event ends