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Exhibition, The Courtauld Gallery, What's On Highlights

Roger Mayne: Youth

14 Jun – 1 Sept 2024 

An exhibition of works by photographer Roger Mayne, bringing together his evocative documentary images of communities and neighbourhoods of 1950's inner London, alongside intimate images of his own family at home in Dorset in the 1970s....

Double American mirrored neon sign in a gallery black and white

The Courtauld Centre for the Art of the Americas

The Courtauld Centre for the Art of the Americas hosts, supports, and fosters advanced scholarship that thinks critically and creatively about American art in its broadest sense. From our unique perspective in Europe, we are exceptionally well-placed...

Display, The Courtauld Gallery, What's on Highlights

Reworking Manet

18 Oct 2023 – 18 Feb 2024 

This display showcases the creativity and imagination of young people responding to Manet's A Bar at the Folies-Bergère (1882)....

Henry Fuseli, Two courtesans in a theatre box, with fantastic hairstyles

Open Courtauld, Public Programmes, Research, The Courtauld Gallery

After Hours

7:00pm, 26 Oct 2022 | £0.00 - £13.00

Join The Courtauld for an evening of culture after dark at our latest ‘After Hours’ event! Connecting Fuseli and the Modern Woman: Fashion, Fantasy, Fetishism and The Courtauld’s rich history of textiles and fashion, this After Hours event will trans...

A worn-looking front cover of a manuscript book. The words 'AVANT et après' are seen at the top, and '1903' at the bottom, with 'P Gauguin' in the centre. The text is surrounded by drawings and illustrations, including three masks and details of columns and crests, dotted around the page.

Discover Avant et après by Paul Gauguin

The Courtauld has acquired one of the most significant artists manuscripts ever to enter a UK public collection – a unique and richly illustrated text by the highly influential French Post-Impressionist artist Paul Gauguin....

Argenteuil’s townscape can be recognised in the background, the flamboyant autumn colours and the effect of light and wind on water. The fluttering orange leaves contrast with the blue water, rendered as thick parallel lines.

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Located in the magnificent setting of Somerset House, The Courtauld is home to one of the world’s great art collections...
