Migrations: People, Politics, Objects

a white gallery space with a single dark wood bedframe and dressing table with several large bags filled with clothes and personal items i Osman Yousefzada, An Immigrant’s Room of Her Own (2018).

This cluster aims to define ‘migration’ in the broadest intellectual terms, in order to understand present cultural, political and legal frameworks, and the historic past. It seeks to bring together the study of artworks that explicate the conditions and economics of migration with objects and architecture, including infrastructure, related to the global movement of peoples. Through artworks, architecture, film, sociology, politics and philosophy, the notion of ‘migration’ will be examined, understood broadly. It will also consider topics related to borders, temporary shelter, networks and passages, geopolitical strife, notions of home, and diaspora.

Future areas of investigation and discussions with active practitioners will include:

  • lawyers and legal aid groups helping migrants;
  • architects, designers, and NGOs who provide shelter structures for displaced persons camps;
  • documentary filmmakers tracking the conditions of migration and migrant workers (fruit pickers, etc.);
  • artists working with migrants and the cultural artefacts of migration
