London Renaissance Consortium
The London Renaissance Consortium was established to take advantage of the wealth of Renaissance teaching and research in London and to create a network through which information about seminars and Renaissance events can be shared. The consortium intended to facilitate a community amongst the researchers, teachers and students active in this field of study. The consortium circulated regular email bulletins to its members providing a calendar of Renaissance seminars taking place across London.
- Research
- The Research Forum
- Courtauld Cast
- Calls for Papers
- Courtauld Study Day
Charcoal and Chiaroscuro: Frank Auerbach’s Graphic Portraits and Post-war Culture - Call for Proposals: A Cultural History of Asian Art, (vol. 6) 1920-present
- Call for Proposals: A Cultural History of Asian Art, (vol. 5) 1800-1920
- Modernism in Ukraine: Local Contexts, Intercultural Encounters, Transnational Exchanges
- Call for Papers: Pose, Power, Practice: New Perspectives on Life Drawing
- Call for Papers/Participation: Word and Image
- Call for Papers: ‘Authority and Identity in the Middle Ages’
- Call for Papers Modern Sculpture, Essence, and Difference: Critical Reflections on the Work of Constantin Brancusi
- Call For Papers: Intersections: Entanglements with Medieval and Renaissance Textiles, 1100-1550.
- CFP: Carolee Schneemann: Body Politics
- Call for Papers: A One-day Colloquium on the Cloisters Cross
- Call for Papers: The Itinerant Shrine: Art, History, and the Multiple Geographies of the Holy House of Loreto
- American Art Archives in Britain
- The Ashcan School and Camden Town Group Comparative Project
- Courtauld Study Day
- Art and Conservation of the Buddhist World
- The Cultural History of Asian Art Project
- Courtauld Trans-Asias
- Arts of the Mongol World
- Trans-Asias: Early Modern Stories from the Courtauld
- Voicing the Archive
- X-Sheds: An Interactive Art History of Experience
- Morgan Stanley Lates at Somerset House with The Courtauld
- The Courtauld x Asymmetry Chinese and Sinophone Contemporary Art Research Programme
- The Bahari Foundation Lectures on Art and Culture
- The Asymmetry Distinguished Lecture Series on Contemporary Chinese and Sinophone Art
- Open Courtauld Hour
- After Hours
- Archived Research Series and Projects
- Research Policies and Documents
- Research Excellence Framework
- Research Team
- Research Integrity
- Support for Externally Funded Postdoctoral Awards
- Visiting Expert archive
- Courtauld and English Heritage Partnership for Conservation
- Mongol Connections
- The Courtauld and National Trust
- GoGreen Project
- Conserving Canvas Project
- What’s On at The Research Forum
- Research Series, Groups & Projects
- Decolonising Action Groups at The Courtauld
- The National Wall Paintings Survey
- Critical Habitats
- Critical Habitats
- Energies of Attachment: Rethinking Intimacy in Contemporary Chinese and Sinophone Art
- Group Work: Contemporary Art and Feminism
- The Textile Working Group
- Gender and Sexuality Group
- ‘I ride a figurative horse into abstraction’: Harry Dodge’s Consent-not-to-be-a-single-being series
- Gendered Readings of the Earliest Women’s Suffrage Iconoclasm
- (Dis)Embodying the biomolecular sex: The lapse of identity in Jes Fan’s hormone works (2017 – 2018)
- Sex/Gender/Work: Samak Kosem’s Chiang Mai Ethnography (2017-present)
- Eros, Thanatos, and the Throuple: Alfred Gilbert’s Mors Janua Vitae (1908)
- London Renaissance Consortium
- What Sense is there in Art?
- Marie-Louise von Motesiczky Charitable Trust Collaborative MA Programme
- The Research Forum / Andrew W. Mellon Foundation MA
- Exploring Fourteenth-Century Art Across the Eastern and Western Christian World
- Crossing Frontiers: Christians and Muslims and their Art in Eastern Anatolia and the Caucasus
- Sacred Traditions and the Arts
- Gothic Ivories Project
- The City: Seen and Unseen
- Social/Global Working Group
- ICMA at the Courtauld
- Painting Pairs: Art History and Technical Study
- Early Career Researcher Network
- Works on Paper Study Group
- Documenting Fashion
- Graphic Arts Group
- Giotto’s Circle
- Word and Image
- Technical Art History
- Interrogating Heritage
- Sculptural Processes Group
- Medieval and Renaissance
- Connecting Cultures
- Courtauld Contemporary
- Courtauld Cambridge Russian Research Centre (CCRAC)
- Architecture Cultures
- Digital Art History Research Group
- Medieval Touch
- Faculty
- Research Students
- Completed PhD Theses
- Research Ethics Policy
- Professorial Lectures
- Frank Davis Memorial Lecture Series
- Event Recordings and Archive
- Arts of the Buddhist World: Heritage and Conservation Lecture Series
- Events recordings – Summer Semester 2022
- Events recordings – Spring 2022
- Events recordings – Summer Semester 2022
- Event recordings – Autumn semester 2022/23
- Belatedness and North American Art
- Considering Collecting
- “What a Hazard a Letter Is”: Correspondence in Feminist Art, Art Writing, and Art History, from Emily Dickinson to Now
- Buddhist Heritage and Conservation in Sri Lanka Lecture Series
- Event recordings – Spring semester 2023
- Modernities: Architecture / Design / Theory
- Facing the Future: Museums and the Next Generation
- Art and Terror
- Professorial Lectures 2019
- Utopia Constructed: 2016 Friends Lecture Series
- 2018 Sackler Lecture Series – ‘1968’
- Conversations in Contemporary Asian Art
- Richard McDougall British Watercolours
- Artists on Brexit
- Fashion Interpretations
- Vital Exhaustion: Late Capitalism and the Crisis of Pain
- State of Insecurity: Government of the Precarious, Isabell Lorey, 2015
- Enrichment: A Critique of Commodities, Luc Boltanski and Arnaud Esquerre, 2020
- Creators in the get-rich economy: An ‘In Conversation’ with Arnaud Esquerre, Prof Sarah Wilson and Harry Woodlock
- Render visible: on wellness and free markets with Ed Fornieles
- Staying open: Rózsa Farkas on space in the reality of coronavirus
- Live Call, Lydia Ourahmane, 2019
- Faint with Light: Marianna Simnett in conversation with Sarah Wilson
- The Burnout Society, Byung-Chul Han, 2015
- Expiration: the last breath, Franco “Bifo” Berardi, 2018
- A State of Vital Exhaustion, Harry Woodlock, 2020
- Frank Davis Memorial Lecture Archive
- Events Archive 2020-2015
- Events Archive 2024
- Events Archive 2024
- Events Archive September 2022-August 2023
- Events Archive 2024
- Events Archive 2023-24
- Events Archive September 2021-August 2022
- Events Archive September 2020-August 2021
- Spring Lecture Series 2020
- Honorary Research Fellows
- Material Witness
- Becket and Canterbury Cathedral
- Lambeth Palace Library: Manuscripts and materiality (and a lucky tortoise)
- Material Sound at The Horniman Museum
- Tate Archive: The Materiality of Conceptual Art
- Material Photography
- Examine, Ferment and Distil
- Canterbury Cathedral: Workshop Reflections
- Royal School of Needlework
- Chris Pig Printmaking Studio Residential 2023
- Jo Gane Early photographic Techniques 2024
- Chris Pig Printmaking Studio Residential
- Conservation at The Courtauld
- Black and White Dark Room Photography
- Antonio Roberts ‘Ownership and Authorship in the Age of Digital Technology’
- Material Photography: A Caffenol Film Developing Demonstration by Melanie King
- Welcome
- The Research Forum