News Archive 2020
Courtauld artworks to use for virtual meetings and Animal Crossing
You can now liven up the background of your daily Zoom or Teams meetings, or your Friday evening Zoom quiz, with masterpieces from The Courtauld Collection.
Choose from highlights including Cézanne’s Montagne Sainte-Victoire with Large Pine, Van Gogh’s Peach Trees in Blossom or Monet’s Antibes.
You can also add iconic artworks from our collection to your Animal Crossing island to curate your virtual art gallery, or to use as wall coverings and more. Thanks to the tool produced by the Getty Center, you can import a selection of artworks by Manet, Renoir, Seurat and Degas and more.
Tag screenshots of your Animal Crossing art gallery on Instagram using @courtauld and we will post some of the highlights.
Use Courtauld artworks as virtual backgrounds
Use Courtauld artworks in Animal Crossing