News Archive 2016

Statement from the Director on the EU referendum outcome

27 Jun 2016

In light of the outcome of the referendum last week, I want to reassure staff and students from European Union countries how much we value their contribution to The Courtauld community.

The vote to leave the EU does not mean there will be any immediate change to the immigration status of current or prospective EU staff and students.

Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty foresees a two-year negotiation process between the UK and other Member States and it is clear that there is as yet no certainty when that process will begin.

The Courtauld highly values its place within the European cultural environment.  The Senior Management Team will be considering the implications of the decision for The Courtauld over the coming days, weeks and months.  We will be working internally and with colleagues across the Arts and Higher Education sectors to understand and manage the effects that leaving the EU will have.

You may also be interested to read a statement from Jo Johnson, Minister of State for Universities and Science, on higher education and research following the EU referendum.

Professor Deborah Swallow

