CHASE Applications must be uploaded to the CHASE portal before 12 Noon GMT, 27 January 2025
Shortlisted Applicants will be notified of the outcome of their CHASE Application by 15 May 2025.
The Courtauld Institute of Art is delighted to offer Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC) funding as partners of the Consortium for the Humanities and the Arts South-East England (CHASE).
CHASE will be funding at least 56 studentships across nine participating universities commencing in October 2025.
The consortium consists of The Courtauld Institute of Art, Goldsmiths, Birkbeck, and SOAS, University of London, and the Universities of East Anglia, Essex, Kent, Sussex, and was formed to promote excellence in research, postgraduate research training and knowledge exchange in the Arts and Humanities.
The Value and Benefits of a CHASE studentship
• Full- or part-time funding to cover fees and living costs
• Additional funds available for skills development, including language training.
• Support with research expenses, including fieldwork.
• Possibility of extending your studentship for training or research needs.
• Opportunity to undertake a funded placement as part of your doctoral training
• Priority access to training programmes, and support for student-led training and events.
• Participation in a dynamic, inclusive and interdisciplinary consortium of researchers.
If selected for a CHASE studentship, your fees will be paid for the duration of the degree, and you will also receive a tax-free stipend, currently in the sum of £21,237 per year for full-time study (including London weighting) to cover living expenses.
You will also have access to support funding to cover the costs of your research and professional development through field trips or sharing work at conferences, for example. You can also access specially designed training courses to help you develop your research skills, and undertake placement projects with partner organisations.
As part of the commitment of both CHASE and The Courtauld to the values of diversity and inclusivity, we particularly welcome applicants from Black and Minority Ethnic backgrounds, and CHASE offer additional studentships in partnership with the Stuart Hall Foundation for these candidates. More information on these studentships can be found here.
How to Apply
1. Apply to The Courtauld
You cannot apply for CHASE AHRC funding until your application to the PhD programme at The Courtauld has been considered via the standard Courtauld application process. If your application satisfies our internal selection process, you will be invited to complete a CHASE AHRC application and provided with further instructions and an access code to the application form.
You should discuss the possibility of being put forward for a CHASE AHRC award with your supervisor.
2. Develop Your Proposal
You should work with your proposed supervisor(s) to develop your application. They will need to provide a supervisor statement in support of your application, and can advise on the drafting of the project proposal. You will also need to identify two referees, one of whom may be your proposed supervisor.
3. Submit your funding application
You must submit your CHASE funding application by 12 noon GMT on Monday 27 January.
4. Institutional Selection
Your application will be assessed by the Research Degrees Committee within The Courtauld in early February. They will decide a shortlist of 17 applications to go forward to shared CHASE selection panels.
5. CHASE Selection Panels
If your application is shortlisted , it will be put forward to the relevant CHASE selection panel. The CHASE Selection Panels, made up of representatives from each member institution, are tasked with making recommendations to the Management Board.
6. CHASE Management Board
Selection panel scores will be moderated and combined into a single ranked list by the CHASE Management Board. Awards will be made to the highest ranked applications.
7. Notification and acceptance of awards
CHASE will inform shortlisted candidates of the outcome of their application by 15 May 2025. The outcome may be either the offer of an award, the offer of a place on a waiting list, or notification of an unsuccessful application.
Current Ph.D. Students
If you have already started doctoral study, you may still be eligible for an AHRC studentship funding providing that, at the start of the AHRC funding awarded, you will have at least 50% of your fundable period of study (which excludes the writing up/completion period) remaining.
A student who has started their doctoral studies (unfunded) on a part-time basis is permitted to convert to full-time status upon receipt of an award.
You should first discuss the prospect of applying for CHASE with your supervisor. With their approval, contact the Admissions team at pgadmissions@courtauld.ac.uk with your interest in making a CHASE application, and work on providing an updated research proposal, demonstrating an improvement on any previous proposal put forward for a CHASE award. Your supervisor will also be required to provide an updated Supervisor Report Form.
If you are successful in being put forward to CHASE from our internal selection process, we will then provide you with access to the CHASE portal itself.
If you have any further questions, please contact pgadmissions@courtauld.ac.uk
CHASE Timeline
9 October Applications open
27 January 2024 Deadline to apply to CHASE studentship competition
February-March Institutional shortlisting
March-April Assessment by cross institutional panels and Management Board
15 May All candidates notified of outcome
IMPORTANT NOTE: If you wish to be considered for an internal Courtauld scholarship (below), you must make a separate application. If you are successful in securing a CHASE-AHRC award, you will not be eligible for an internal scholarship.
The Manton Scholarship for Doctoral Research on British and Irish Art and Architecture
Closing date for Manton Research Scholarship applications: 19 May 2025, 17:00 GMT.
Please note that Manton Research Scholarships cannot be awarded to any student who is also in receipt of AHRC/CHASE funding.
The first round of offers for Manton Research Scholarships will be made during the fourth week of May 2025.
The Manton Scholarship for Doctoral Research on British and Irish Art and Architecture aims to support an academically outstanding postgraduate ‘UK Fees’ student reading for a Ph.D. centred on the study of British and Irish art and/or architecture.
The scholarship will cover requisite University Fees for three years plus Fees for a writing up year, in addition to an annual maintenance stipend in the sum of £16,000 per annum for the first three years towards living costs (i.e. for term-time accommodation, food, household bills and course books).
This scholarship is offered through the generosity of the Manton Centre for the Study of British art, which is based within The Courtauld. The Centre, named after British art collectors and philanthropists, Sir Edwin and Florence, Lady Manton, will help secure The Courtauld’s ambition of becoming a world leader in the field of British art, and marks the continued and generous commitment of the Manton family to arts education.
The Manton Research Scholarship is open to any student holding an Offer to commence full-time studies leading to an award of a Ph.D. in the field of British or Irish art and/or architecture who fulfils the following qualifying criteria:
- Candidates for the Manton Scholarship will hold an undergraduate degree, and will normally have a Master’s degree, or be in the process of completing a Master’s degree. In some circumstances The Courtauld will also welcome applications from candidates with sustained experience beyond their undergraduate degree level that is specifically relevant to their proposed research topic.
- At present, the Scholarship is only open to Home Students paying UK Fees.
- The Scholarship will be awarded to an outstanding postgraduate student on the basis of academic excellence. The Scholarship Awards Committee will score applications according to the criteria listed below.
- Where two or more applications for the Manton Scholarship are tied following the academic excellence sift, regard may be had to the Widening Participation Criteria listed below in furtherance of The Courtauld’s strategic aim of developing a diverse student body that is representative of the city in which we are located, and of the society in which we operate.
Applications for the Manton Research Scholarship must be submitted using the Manton Scholarship Application Form (which will be posted here on 1 April 2025) by Monday 19 May 2025, 17:00 GMT.
Criteria for the Award of Manton Research Scholarships
Academic Excellence
The Scholarships Award Committee will score Applications according to the following Criteria centred on Academic Excellence:
- The proposal is clearly-written and demonstrates engagement with an academic field at a high level of sophistication.
- The project demonstrates original thinking in its field (or fields).
- The project is clearly situated in its field (or fields).
- The methodology proposed clearly demonstrates the viability of the planned research.
- The planned research is described in a way that inspires confidence that it will definitely be completed within the funded period.
- The application demonstrates excellent motivation for the research project.
- The proposed research may be timely or urgent in nature, but not all excellent projects will be time-critical or topical.
- The applicant demonstrates understanding of appropriate research skills required for successful completion of the project.
- The applicant has appropriate training at Master’s level or equivalent (including experience gained outside of higher education) to undertake the project.
- The applicant’s references fully support the applicant’s preparedness for doctoral study.
- The applicant demonstrates outstanding competency in organisational skills and initiative through their previous activities, and a capacity to overcome obstacles.
- The research environment (as constituted by the proposed supervisor and institutional support, including available archives, sources, research centres available through The Courtauld and more widely in London) is appropriate to the project.
- The applicant has given clear thought to the fit between their project and their proposed research environment.
- The supervisor statement fully supports the project’s fit with the proposed research environment.
Widening Participation
Where two or more applications are tied following the Academic Excellence sift, regard may be had to the following Widening Participation Criteria in accordance with the strategic aims of The Courtauld. The criteria are scored at differing levels.
- Students from ethnic groups currently underrepresented at The Courtauld, including Black and Asian students, students from mixed and multiple ethnic backgrounds, and students from Gypsy, Roma and Traveller communities;
- Students whose parents have not attended university;
- Students who attended non-fee-paying schools;
- Students who were, during their secondary education, in receipt of free school meals;
- Students who were, during their undergraduate programme, in receipt of an undergraduate bursary designated as being for students from lower income families, including The Courtauld Bursary and/or James Hughes-Hallett Scholarship;
- Students who were, during their undergraduate programme, in receipt of a student loan calculated at the maximum amount;
- Students in receipt of Disability Support Allowance;
- Students who are Care Leavers;
- Students who themselves are the principal carer for a third party;
- Students who are nationals of and who are currently ordinarily resident in a state designated within the least developed, low income or lower middle-income categories in the most recent list of ODA recipient states: https://www.oecd.org/en/topics/sub-issues/oda-eligibility-and-conditions/dac-list-of-oda-recipients.html;
- Students who had experienced forced displacement and/or who hold refugee status and/or are qualified persons with Humanitarian Protection Status.
Closing date for Courtauld Research Scholarship applications: 19 May 2025, 17:00 GMT.
Please note that Courtauld Research Scholarships cannot be awarded to any student who is also in receipt of AHRC/CHASE funding.
The first round of offers for Courtauld Research Scholarships will be made during the fourth week of May 2025.
The Courtauld is pleased to be able to offer a number of scholarships up to the value of £20,000 per year to assist in the completion of outstanding research projects which are believed to have the potential of making a significant impact within their particular academic field.
The number and individual value of these awards varies from year to year, dependent on need and resources.
These awards are open to any student holding an offer to commence Ph.D. studies at the Courtauld.
Application forms and further details will be posted here by 1 April 2025.
Closing date for PhD Postgraduate Studies Scholarship applications: 19 May 2025, 17:00 GMT.
Please note that Courtauld Postgraduate Studies Scholarships cannot be awarded to any student who is also in receipt of AHRC/CHASE funding.
The first round of offers for Courtauld Postgraduate Studies Scholarships for PhD students will be made during the fourth week of May 2025.
The Courtauld Postgraduate Studies Scholarships are awarded to students who fulfil certain criteria with regard to background or area of study. These awards vary in amount, duration and criteria from year to year. Some of these scholarships are open to both M.A. and Ph.D. students.
Applications for Ph.D. students commencing postgraduate study within the Academic Year 2025-26 are currently being accepted for the following Scholarships:
- American Foundation for The Courtauld Scholarship for Postgraduate Students (Any M.A. or Ph.D.)
A number of scholarships – generously funded by the American Foundation for The Courtauld Institute of Art (AFCIA) – are available to postgraduate students who are US citizens or permanent US residents and who are from a background which is underrepresented within higher education. These scholarships typically comprise a payment of £10,000.
- Nicholas and Jane Ferguson Scholarship Fund for Medieval Art (M.A. History of Art or Ph.D)
This scholarship – generously funded by the Nicholas and Jane Ferguson Scholarship Fund Endowment – supports one student per year who is a Ph.D student or enrolled on the M.A. History of Art Programme and who is studying a Special Option centered on the study of Medieval Art. The value of this award averages £6,000 per year.
- Harley Research Scholarship for Conservation of Easel Paintings (Ph.D. only)
A single scholarship – generously funded by Dr. Rosamond Harley at The Courtauld – is available to a PhD student researching the Conservation of Easel paintings. The value of this award averages at £5,000.
- University of London Studentship for Postgraduate Students from London (Any M.A. or Ph.D)
A number of University of London Studentships are available to any postgraduate student (M.A. or Ph.D.) whose principal address is situated within Greater London and who is from an underrepresented group in higher education. The value and number of these awards varies depending on financial need.
Applications for one or more of The Courtauld Postgraduate Studies Scholarships are made using a Scholarship Application Form for Courtauld Ph.D. Programmes which will be posted here by 1 April 2025.
The LGAC offers scholarships payable to wards accommodation and living expenses to any student who is a national of Canada
The British Council offers a number of scholarships for non-UK postgraduate students.
The Fulbright Program offers a range of grants and scholarships for postgraduate students who are nationals of the United States of America.
Turn 2 Us Grants Search database contains information on over 3,000 charitable funds offering welfare and educational grants, as well as other support and services.
The Alternative Guide to Postgraduate Funding Online is a portal for alternative sources of funding – especially charities – which can make awards (fees, maintenance, research costs) to any student regardless of subject or nationality. Some governments provide loans or inancial support to students at PhD level, so it is worth checking with your home government whether there is any support available.
Students who are:
- UK nationals or Irish Citizens, or who have settled status under the EU Settlement Scheme, or who have indefinite leave to remain in the UK;
- Normally live in England; and
- Who have been living in the UK, Channel Islands of the Isle of Man for 3 years in a row before the first day of the first academic year of the course may be eligible for a Postgraduate Doctoral Loan. (For full nationality and residency criteria see: https://www.gov.uk/doctoral-loan/apply)
This loan acts as a contribution towards the cost of study and is available to both part-time and full-time Ph.D. students.
Students commencing study in the Academic Year 2024-5 were able borrow up to £29,390 across the duration of the entire course.
Information on the loan including full eligibility details can be found on the Student Finance Doctoral Loan website.
How your Postgraduate Doctoral Loan might affect your benefits
If you receive means-tested benefits, 30% of the maximum Postgraduate Doctoral Loan that is available in a single academic year is treated by the Department for Work and Pensions as being for living costs and hence will be considered income when assessing any benefit award. For benefit purposes, you will be treated as having this amount, regardless of whether you actually take up the loan.
Interest and Repayment
You’ll be charged interest from the day you get the first payment until your loan is repaid in full or cancelled.
Find out more about interest and repayment of Student Finance loans on the Student Finance repayment website.