Insights Into Art History

Drawing on blue paper

Free Young People's Workshop

Made from fibres derived from blue rags, blue paper first appeared in Northern Italy in the 14th century. It became a popular drawing support for artists, and its use spread across Western Europe by the late 16th century; it was widely used in England and France in the 18th century.

Join us in-person at The Courtauld Gallery to explore The Courtauld’s new display; Drawn to Blue: Artists’ use of blue paper. Displaying works by the Venetian Renaissance artist Jacopo Tintoretto to a watercolour by famed English Artist Joseph Mallord William Turner.

Attendees will also visit The Courtauld’s Prints and Drawings Study Room and have a talk by The Courtuald’s Conservator of Works on Paper.

Key Information
Event: Drawing on Blue
Date: Wednesday 30th October 2024
Time: 10:00am – 3:00pm
Location: In-person at The Courtauld Gallery

These workshops are free and open to students attending UK state schools and colleges. Suitable for ages 16-18, with preference given to Y12 students (or equivalent). Booking is essential due to popular demand. Any questions, please email

30 Oct 2024

Leon Kossoff Learning Centre  The Courtauld Gallery 

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