Completed PhD Theses
Recently completed PhD theses at The Courtauld Institute of Art
Scantlebury, Matilda
Chohan, Jasmine Kaur
La Bienal de la Habana : the rise of the collaterals
Julian Stallabrass
Pierce, Chelsea
Flory, Nicholas Piers
Milčić, Ana-Maria
D’Annunzio’s futurists : Fiume from 1914 to 1934
Sarah Wilson
Mackelaitė, Austėja
Joanna Woodall
D'Antone, Ambra
Translating modernity : surrealism of the Levant
Gavin Parkinson and Matthew Gale
Dhar, Sanjay
Christine Stevenson and Emily Howe
Jones, Olivia
Caroline Arscott
Corbett, Cathy
Concin, Adriana
The Habsburg-Medici wedding of 1565 : art, diplomacy, and display
Guido Rebecchini
Merkling, Emma
Caroline Arscott
O’Brien, Janet
Nādir Shāh : the emergence of royal portraiture and a new body politic in eighteenth-century Iran
Sussan Babaie
Harrison, Madeleine
Aaron Douglas’ ‘art era,’ 1925-34
David Peters Corbett
Subelytė, Gražina
Kurt Seligmann : surrealism and occultism
Gavin Parkinson
Sanders, Laura
The image of the tower in early modern Antwerp
Joanna Woodall
Amato, Silvia Rita
Sanders, Laura
The image of the tower in early modern Antwerp
Joanna Woodall
Crosland, Margaret Susannah
Alixe Bovey and Susie Nash
Bondini, Saida
Urban and social spaces : art, architecture, and family patronage in Bologna (1470-1520)
Nicolas Bock and Guido Rebecchini
Aires de Campos, Miguel
Mirabilia depicta: image and imagination in the anglo-saxon wonders of the east’
Dr. John Lowden and Dr. Alixe Bovey
Jacek, Olender
Gecko-inspired Dry Adhesives: Evaluating their Applicability to the Conservation of Cultural Heritage
Dr. Stephen Whiteman
Stolyarov, Denis
(Post)Soviet Art in the Era of Wild Capitalism, 1986 – 1996
Prof. Sarah Wilson
Bartlett-Rawlings, Briony
Nicoletto da Modena and the centres of Italian Print Production c.1490-1522
Dr Scott Nethersole
Beltrami, Constanza
Juan Guas and Gothic Architecture in Late Medieval Spain: Collaborations, Networks, Geographies
Dr Tom Nickson
Biedarieva, Svitlana
Challenging the Legacies of the Olympics: Cultural Programmes of Mexico ‘68 and Moscow ‘80
Dr Klara Kemp-Welch
Capron, Emma
Altarpieces in Late Medieval Avignon: Case Studies in Patronage and Reception’
Dr Susie Nash
Cuckovic, Boris
A Digital Disenchantment: Source Materials in Western Art after the 2008 Financial Crisis
Prof. Julian Stallabrass
Dalvit, Giulio
Rethinking Lorenzo di Pietro, known as Vecchietta (1410-1480)
Dr Scott Nethersole
Godetzky, Albert
‘Strength and Sinews ‘Haarlem Mannerism’ and the Emergence of a Dutch Body Politic, 1585-1595’
Prof. Joanna Woodall
Gurevich, Sofia
‘Soviet book design and The World of Art circle 1917-1930’
Dr Klara Kemp-Welch
Hansell, Lydia
Patronage of a Prelate: The Religious Foundations of Cardinal Jean Rolin (1408-1483)
Dr Susie Nash
Hume, Natalie
‘A treacherous mirror’: British commercial artists represent the United States. Case studies 1869–76.
Dr. Caroline Arscott
Morris, Natasha
Lions and Sons: The Masculine Image in Qajar Iran (1789 – 1925)
Dr Sussan Babaie
Parker, William
Laurence Binyon and the Influence of Paterian Aestheticism, 1873-1915
Prof. David Peterscorbett
Rostel, Alexander
Artistic Patronage Networks in Fifteenth Century Florence: The Corbinelli and Gondi Altarpieces
Dr Scott Nethersole
Speakman, Naomi
Medieval Ivories at the British Museum: Formation of a Collection, c. 1800-1900
Professor Alixe Bovey and Dr Dora Thornton
Zini, Claudia
Bosnia and Herzegovina: contemporary art from a post-conflict society
Dr Klara Kemp-Welch
Bueno de Mesquita, Nicholas
Soviet Architecture of the 1920s and Western Europe: Separate Modernisms or an’ International Front of Modern Architecture’? The Case of Germany
Charlotte Milner
Crack, Peter
Public Purchases of Early Italian Paintings in Twentieth-Century Britain
Dr Scott Nethersole
Gent, Alexandra
Repetition and Replication in Joshua Reynolds’s Studio Practice
Prof. Aviva Burnstock and Prof. David Solkin
Howe, Catherine
Francis Bacon’s French Influence(s): From Surrealism to Post-structuralism
Dr Gavin Parkinson
Hughes, Thomas
John Ruskin, Walter Pater, Aestheticism
Prof. Caroline Arscott
Jang, Nayun
Cultural Memory of Democratisation and Globalisation in East Asian Art
Prof. Julian Stallabrass
Merlini, Anna
Mustalish, Rachel
Materials and Techniques of Arthur Dove (1880–1946): Works on Paper and Selected Paintings, 1926–1946
Prof. Aviva Burnstock
Pietrabissa, Camilla
From Perspective to Place: the Landscape Tableau in Paris, c.1680-1750
Prof. Katie Scott
Rapacki, Kristina
Asger Jorn’s ‘folk’: Imagining ‘the people’ in wartime and postwar Europe 1941-1965
Dr. Gavin Parkinson
Robertson, Jessie
Hyper(in)visible. Art, Protest & Surveillance, 2011-16
Dr Wenny Teo
Secklehner, Julia
Frontiers of Identity: The Vienna and Prague Satirical Press in Political Crossfire 1918-1938
Klara Kemp-Welch
Stratton, Rachel
The Shape of the Message’ in the Art of the Independent Group: A Study in the role of General Semantics and Non-Aristotelian Logic, 1950–1961
Dr. Gavin Parkinson
Woolley, Elizabeth
Commercial domination of English ecclesiastical mural painting 1860-1910: demand, supply, technology and significance
Giovanni Verri
Adams, Ann – 2017/18
Spiritual Provision and Temporal Affirmation: Tombs of Les Chevaliers de la Toison d’Or from Philip the Good to Philip the Fair
Prof. Susie Nash
Bezverkhny, Eva
Compilation and Communication: Esfir Shub and Soviet Cinema 1919-1949
Prof. John Milner
Casini, Giovanni
Léonce Rosenberg and the Galerie De L’Effort Moderne: A Syncretic View of French Art During The 1920s’
Prof. Christopher Green
Coomasaru, Edwin
Contested Bodies: Gender, Sexuality and the Legacies of the ‘Troubles’ in Visual Culture
Prof. Mignon Nixon
Dentzer, Sophie
English Decorative Vaulting: Design, Invention and Integration in Gothic Architecture c. 1300
Dr. Tom Nickson
Eisenthal, Jessica
Medium and Mediation: A History of Video Art in Israel
Prof. Sarah Wilson
Gardner-Dseagu, Christine
Sex in Context: Sexual Art and Spectacle in the Roman World
Gordon, Theo
Sex and Violence: A New Psychoanalysis of Art of the American AIDS Crisis
Prof. Mignon Nixon
Keene, Bryan C.
Many Voices, Many Hands: Collaboration and Workshop Practice in Early Fourteenth-Century Illuminated Choir Books from Florence
Prof Joanna Cannon
Lundin, Jenna
The Montaged Environment: Painting Meets Photography On Show, From The 1930s Through The 1950s
Prof. Christopher Green
O’Donnell-Morales, Maeve
Altars and Altar Furnishings from the Kingdom of Castile, 1200-1350
Tom Nickson
Peel, Harriette
The Image of the Child in Late-Medieval Flanders
Prof. Susie Nash
Sears, Malgorzata
The Warsaw Group Rytm (1922-32) and Modernist Classicism
Prof. Gavin Parkinson
Shearman, Niccola
Weimar in Black and White: the woodcut in the work of Ernst Barlach and Lyonel Feininger in Germany, 1918-1927
Shulamith Behr
Tedbury, Imogen
Collecting, reception & display of trecento & quattrocento Sienese paintings in Britain, 1850-1950’
Prof. Joanna Cannon and Dr. Caroline Campbell
Atkin, William
Latent Possibilities: Theories and Practices of Magic in Surrealist Discourse on the Object, 1929-1976
Dr Gavin Parkinson
Budanova, Natalia
Stepping Out of the Shadows: Russian Women Artists on the Eve of, and During, the Great War
Prof. John Milner
Edwards, Emma
Reception and Reorientation: The Impact of Internationally Traded Objects in Italian Art and Architecture (950-1150)
Dr Antony Eastmond
Garrett, Rosamund
Canterbury Cathedral’s Choir Tapestry: Patronage, Production, History and Display
Prof. Susie Nash
Grimaldi, Matilde
The lost Romanesque cathedral of Tortosa: 1148-1703
Dr Tom Nickson
Hegenbart, Sarah
From Bayreuth to Burkina Faso: Christoph Schlingensief’s Opera Village Africa as contemporary Gesamtkunstwerk
Prof. Sarah Wilson
Joustra, Joost
Pictorial Space and Sacred Subject Matter in Florentine Painting 1425-1466
Dr Scott Nethersole
Jumabhoy, Zehra
Homi K. Bhabha’s Concept of National Identity and Contemporary ‘Indian’ Art
Prof. Julian Stallabrass
Kim, Elizabeth
Schizophrenic Video: The Reception of Early Video Art in New York, 1969-1985
Prof. Julian Stallabrass
Lebens, Naomi
Prints in Play: Printed Games and the Fashioning of Social Roles in Early Modern Europe
Llewellyn, Laura
Art, Community and Religious Women in the Oltrarno, Florence
Dr Scott Nethersole
Moyse, Lucy
Manifestations of Violence and Trauma Within Interwar Fashion, In London, Paris and New York
Dr Rebecca Arnold
Pasian, Chiara
Non-structural lime-based injection grouts with reduced water content for decorated surfaces
Prof. Sharon Cather
Potts, Philippa
‘A Watchlight for the Garden’: Stuart Ambassadors in English Garden History
Dr Christine Stevenson
Raybone, Samuel
Working as Caillebotte: Collecting, Ideology, and the Body in the French Third Republic
Dr. Satish Padiyar
Rossi, Maria Alessia
Christ’s Miracles in Monumental Art in Byzantium and Serbia (1280-1330)
Dr Anthony Eastmond
Saunt, Jane
Decorative Plasterwork in England, 1660-1700: Form, Materiality and Making
Dr Christine Stevenson
Spooner, Jane
Royal Wall Paintings in England in the Second Half of the Fourteenth Century
Prof. David Park
Gaskin, Fiona
British Landscape Painting, 1945-1963
Prof. Julian Stallabrass
Rae, Caroline
Anglo-Netherlandish Workshop Practice in the 1580s and early 1600s with a focus on the works of John de Critz the Elder and Marcus Gheeraerts the Younger
Prof. Aviva Burnstock
Romano, Alexis
Prêt-à-Porter, Paris, and the Image of Women, 1945-1968
Dr Rebecca Arnold
Tobin, Jordan
Beyond Futurism to Suprematism: Re-assessing Futurist Dialogues between Italy and Russia 1909-1915
Prof. John Milner
Watling, Lucy
Documents of a Forgotten Network: The Loans to Twentieth Century German Art, London 1938
Dr Shulamith Behr
An, Hui-Kyung
Identities Contested: Contemporary Korean Art and its Exhibitions, 1961-1975
Prof. Sarah Wilson
Barker, Jessica
Monuments and Marriage in Late Medieval England: Origins, Functions and Reception of Double Tombs
Prof. John Lowden and Prof. David Park
Burchard, Wolf
The Sovereign Artist. Charles Le Brun and the Art of Absolutism, 1665-1679
Prof. Katie Scott
Butakova, Elizaveta
A-Ya Magazine: Soviet Unofficial Art Between Moscow, Paris and New York, 1976-1986
Prof. Sarah Wilson
Cameron, James Alexander
Sedilia in Medieval England
Prof. Joanna Cannon and Prof. David Park
Camp, Mary Hogan
Superare la natura: The Portraits of Jacopo Pontormo
Dr Scott Nethersole and Prof. Paul Hills
Cheetham, Joanna
Hans Feibusch between Germany and Britain: Patronage and the Public Sphere
Dr Shulamith Behr
Chu, John
The Fortunes of Fancy Painting in Eighteenth-Century England
Prof. David Solkin and Prof. Katie Scott
Demarchi, Francesca
Book Illumination in Milan around the Year 1000: The Prayerbook of Arnulph II (London, British Library, MS Egerton 3763) and Some Related Manuscripts
Prof. John Lowden
Grasso, Maria
Imaging the Souls of the Blessed: Valenciennes, Bibliothèque Municipale, MS 500, Saint Amand, and the Parable of Dives and Lazarus, c. 835-1275
Prof. John Lowden
Gunzi, Freya Roo
Stanhope A. Forbes: Constructing Newlyn, 1885-1911
Prof. Caroline Arscott
Kaitavuori, Kaija
Art of Engagament: Audience Participation and Contemporary Art
Prof. Julian Stallabrass
Lee, Jiyoon
The Impact of Globalisation on Korean Contemporary Art since 1989
Prof. Julian Stallabrass
Lee, Judith
The chemical characterisation of water sensitive oil paint with a special focus on Winsor & Newton artists oil paints
Prof Aviva Burnstock
Low, David
Framing the Armenian Genocide: Photography and the Revisualisation of the Ottoman Empire, 1878-1923
Dr Shulamith Behr
Martin De Fonjaudran, Charlotte
Cleaning Asian Wall Paintings: Constraints and Development of an Open-Source Image Analysis Workflow for In-Situ Evaluation of Topographical Surface Changes
Prof. Sharon Cather
Noy, Irene
Sound Art, Gender and the West-German Context
Dr Shulamith Behr
Pantelides, Katerina
Russian Émigré Ballet and the Body: Paris and New York c.1920-50
Dr. Rebecca Arnold
Paschali, Maria
Painting Identities in Fourteenth-Century Famagusta: Byzantine and Gothic Imagery in Saint George of the Greeks and Our Lady of the Carmelites
Dr Anthony Eastmond
Richards, Marion
Salon Criticism of French Landscape Painting, 1855-1867
Prof. Caroline Arscott
Serafinowicz, Sylwia
More than Documentation: Photography from the People’s Republic of Poland between 1965-1972
Prof. Sarah Wilson
Stanford, Henrietta
Affective Afterlives: Encountering ‘Ulrike Meinhof’ in Yvonne Rainer’s Journeys from Berlin/1971 (1980), Gerhard Richter’s October 18, 1977 (1988), and Silvia Kolbowski’s A Few Howls Again? (2010)
Prof. Mignon Nixon
Weston, Giulia Martina
Niccolò Tornioloi: The Life and Times of A Sienese Painter in 17th Century Rome
Dr Sheila McTighe
Whitlum-Cooper, Francesca
Itinerant Pastellists: Circuits of Movement in Eighteenth-Century Europe
Prof. Katie Scott
Balfe, Thomas
The Animal and the Edible in the Work of Joannes Fyt (1611-61)
Prof. Joanna Woodall
Bhalla, Niamh
Social Histories of the Last Judgement in Byzantine Art
Prof. Antony Eastmond
Hartnell, Jack
Towards an Anatomical Art History. Medieval Objects in the Shared Space between Art and Medicine
Dr Antony Eastmond
Keiser, Alexandra
Alexander Archipenko and Cultural Exchange Between the Wars: From European Avant-Gardes to Avantgardism in the United States
Prof. Shulamith Behr
McDougall, Elizabeth
The Management of the Urban Property Portfolio of the Societa s. Salvatore, Rome 1500-1526
Dr Georgia Clarke
Rose, Sam
Formalism, Aestheticism, and Art Writing in England, c.1918-1939
Dr Gavin Parkinson
Starkova, Maria
Engendering the New Soviet Child: The Representation of Children as Pioneer Citizens of the USSR in the 1920s and 1930s
Prof. John Milner
Tommasini, Alexandra
The ‘Patient’ City. The Works and Practices of Photographer Gabriele Basilico
Prof. Shulamith Behr
Aloni Yaari, Shir
Brushstrokes: Hair in the Work of Contemporary Women Artists
Prof. Mignon Nixon
Anderson, Jocelyn
Country House Guide Books in the Late Eighteenth Century
Dr Christine Stevenson
Babbage Iorns, Deborah
Companionship and Collaboration: Rembrandt’s Pendant Marriage Portraiture
Prof. Joanna Woodall
Backhouse, Clare
Sartorial self-fashioning: Dress in portraits commissioned by women, 1558-1762
Prof. Aileen Ribeiro
Balona de Sa’Oliveira, Ana
Fort/Da: Unhomely and Hybrid Displacements in the Work of Ângela Ferreira, c. 1980-2008
Prof. Mignon Nixon
Brisby, Claire
The Samokov Archive: The perception of western art in icon-painters’ practice 1800-1850 in Bulgaria
Prof. Robin Cormack
Carter, Michael
Cistercian art and architecture in England during the late Middle Ages
Prof. David Park
Caruso, Martina
Miseria Miseri Cordia Mascolinita: Italian Humanist Photography, 1932-1962
Prof. Sarah Wilson
Chien, Shang-Min
Distributed Aesthetics in the East Asian Net Creations
Prof. Julian Stallabrass
Darell, Samantha
Mother of Pearl Carvings in the Fifteenth and Sixteenth Century
Prof. Susie Nash
Galimberti, Jacopo
Collective Art: Politics and Authorship in 1960’s Western Continental Europe
Prof. Sarah Wilson
Gottardo, Ketty
Print Culture in Rome in the Age of Barberini
Dr Sheila McTighe
Faulkner, Katherine
The Wrapped Body in the New Sculpture Movement (1880-1900)
Prof. Caroline Arscott
Gray, Emily
Early Printmaking in Florence: Origins, Forms and Function
Prof. Patricia Rubin
Kirk, Anna
The Female Doppelgänger in Victorian Art and Dress, c.1850-1899
Prof. Aileen Ribeiro
Kopp, Edouard
Sculpted Sanguines: Edme Bouchardon as a Draughtsman
Prof. Katie Scott
Milk Mac Farland, Joanna
From Doctors of the Church to Visionary Saints: Recasting Augustine and Jerome in Tuscan Paintings of the Fifteenth Century
Prof. Patricia Rubin
Nuttall, Geoffrey
Lucchese Patronage, 1400 to 1430
Prof. Patricia Rubin
Oliver, Lois
The Image of the Artist, Paris 1815-1855
Prof. John House
Payne, Edwa
Ribera’s Saints: Representing Body and Soul
Dr Sheila McTighe
Richter, Mark
Coloured glazes on silver leaf of the Baroque and Rococo period in Southern Germany and Austria (c.1600-1780)
Prof. Aviva Burnstock
Shabanov, Andrey
Peredvizhniki, or the Wanderers: the social history of an artists’ movement in later nineteenth-century Russia
Prof. David Solkin
Terracciano, Emilia
Modernist Musing in the shadow of Swadeshi
Prof Deborah Swallow
Thoma, Julia
The Final Spectacle: Military Painting under the Second Empire, 1855-1867
Prof. John House and Prof. Satish Padiyar
Tsai, Pei-Kuei
Making the Political Personal and the Personal Political : A multiple case study of August Sander, Andy Warhol, Trinh T. Minh-Ha and Chen Chieh-Jen
Prof. Julian Stallabrass
Brown, Meredith
A History of A.I.R Gallery: Feminism and the Art institution (1970s, New York)
Prof. Mignon Nixon
Elmer, Samuel
Democratic Mordernisum: Promoting Modern Art in England c.1908-1934
Prof. Christopher Green
Givens, Ashley
From the Archetypal to Imtimate: Offical Representation of Napolean iii, 1850-1866
Prof. John House
Lopez-Fanjul Diez Del Corral, Maria
Collecting Italian Drawings in Seventeenth Century Spain: The Marques del Carpio’s Collection
Dr Sheila McTighe
Paydar, Nikoo
Scheherazade and The Odalisque in Early Twentieth-Century Visual Culture: Leon Bakst, Henri Matisse and Paul Poiret
Prof. Christopher Green
Pittaluga, Michela
Collections and Social Status: Venetian Presence in Genoese Collections of the Golden Century (1523-1656/7)
Prof. Paul Hills