Thomas Gambier Parry’s Aesthetics of Theology: The Art and Faith of a Victorian Collector

Short Description: This seminar considers the interplay between the aesthetic sensibilities and religious beliefs of Thomas Gambier Parry, an Anglo-Catholic artist and collector of the Victorian Period. As the speaker examines this fascinating figure and his “aesthetics of theology,” she draws upon his involvement in the theological movements of his time in order to offer some broader observations about the religious climate of nineteenth century Britain. The topic of the seminar was conceived in conjunction with the Courtauld’s Gallery’s Illuminating Objects Internship Programme, and draws upon the speaker’s study of an enigmatic book-shaped pendant that entered the Courtauld’s collection in the Gambier-Parry bequest of 1966. After the main presentation, art historian Romina Ebenhoech (an expert on book-shaped pendants of the Renaissance) will provide a brief response.

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8 Mar 2016

The Courtauld Institute of Art, Somerset House, Strand, London
